Friday, October 9, 2020

 Shelby and Marti with certificate awarded 2019 for work on planter at Miller Memorial Library

 More pictures from party

 Working at Dickerman House

 More Pictures from the 95th party

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

 The Bird and Butterfly Garden in 2020

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

 On Monday Oct. 5, The Spring Glen Garden Club celebrated its 95th anniversary with a party at Lockwood Farm at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Vera Morrison Hamden Town Clerk presented a Proclamation from Mayor Curt Leng recognizing the work of the club throughout its many years. Federation President Arlene Field presented a Proclamation from the National Garden Clubs to the club. After the party President Theresa McCabe and Vice-President Dorothy C. Johnson went to Elim Park to present cake and a history of the club in large print to our long time members, Jane Stolzenberg, Sis Schlesinger and Pat McGalliard. Other member Fran Milroy was unable to attend.